Friday, February 1, 2008

My Second Families from Starbucks!

Since Starbucks first landed Taiwan when I was still in high school, I had been dreaming about working there! At that time, there was no any cooler job than working part-time at Starbucks as a student. Once I went to my university and reached the legal age to work, I tried my best to apply for every store of Starbucks that I knew. At that time, there were not so many Starbucks stores in Taipei, where I lived, but a lot of young people like me would like to work for them. Finally, I had to start from another bigger chain coffee, not at Starbucks! A year later, through my friend's introduction, finally I got a chance to talk to a store manager to show my passion of working for Starbucks. Fortunately, I got accepted. That was a store located at the heart of business district and surrounded by a bunch of department stores. (It's one block away from Taipei101, which is still the highest building in the whole world, for now, but won't last long!) Later, I realized that the store that I got accepted was the busiest store in Taiwan, which had the highest number of transaction, sales, and profitability. That was not only a Starbucks store; other than that, it was the role model of Starbucks in Taiwan! Because of the endless rush hours and huge amount of work load, there was a formation of being together, fighting together, and love each other because they are what you only have on the field. We were like a band of brothers. This emotion was well developed and every partner was like a member of this big family! What we were proud of ourselves was not how skillful we were or how fast we could finish one Latte, it was the aligning established among each member of this store. Besides daily operation, we also actively participated in every event that held by our headquarter to reinforce our relationship throughout the process. Every single time was another sweet memory of ours, and holding each other even closer. All the way through the expansion of Taiwan Starbucks, our partners got transferred out to a lot of different locations. However, people were still coming back to the original place, our store, to be together with us. That's why I devoted all my time working there since sophomore year until three days before I joined the military. In those three years at Starbucks, I'd learned not only how to be a good leader, but also how to love people. They are my second family, always!


Sharon said...

Hmmm, I haven't been keeping up to date on the Starbucks vs Dunkin Donuts competition.

I wonder what's been happening with the market shares for these companies.

Jack said...

Well, I have no idea what's going on with Dunkin Donuts, but I do know that Starbucks is suffering from it's financial problems, may due to it's over expansion. Last year, its growth was less that 1%, which is rarely for Starbucks in the past, and its stock price slumped more than 40%. Starbucks is going to close more than 100 unhealthy stores this year trying to consolidate itself again!

Sharon said...

Good thing we didn't buy stock, huh?

Anonymous said...

I miss our wonderful time in Starbucks......but i wont do that in UK again!haha!Still....a great memory with everyone!BTW...what's happen wz ur long hair?...

Jack said...

Long hair? Had it cut long time ago!!

Unknown said...



miss you miss you X1000~

Jack said...




candy said...

This article lets me affected.
Can you give me forword to pantership?
I think all panters will be able to have am moved.

Anonymous said...

我今天竟然在愛溜送我的partnership裡看到你的文章...心有戚戚焉...快哭了啦~不管多久之前的事情...親身經歷過的都是最深刻的...我在無名看到你的下一步啦~恭喜你囉!!最近的我真的累翻了..我霸腦出血復原的狀況出奇的好,跟平時保養有關係吧!醫生說我家祖宗有燒好香..沒看過腦出血的病人可以一周之後就下床散步的,...他住院3周,我也住院3周,每天照3餐灌他奶昔之類的補充品,用盡我知道的知識...第一次感受到失去的恐懼,也因此讓我知道我跟我霸的距離和感情是那麼親..那麼近..anyway,他沒事 我就沒事了,本來我以為我會有機會跟螢幕中的你吐吐苦水...竟然完全沒機會...哈~希望跟你一樣今年可以有一段時間可以好好休息,不過2008的計畫似乎就是要把自己逼到絕境,說要去拜訪你的計畫要延期了...黃牛中...sorry!